Ben's Fuck Buddies: Puppey, Merlini & Kuroky unite!

BFB Logo

Puppey recently announced the making of his new team, Ben's Fuck Buddies (BFB) comprising of 7 big names in the Competitive DotA: Puppey, Merlini, Kuroky, Demon, Pajkatt, Fear & amartnt (more details). It looks like being a star and having a huge fan-base is a pre-requisite for this team. Looking at the list of players and the team's name, it is clear that they're gonna put up a lot of ganking-style gameplay which means highly entertaining matches for spectators. YaY! But can this clan meet the standards of a top level team? None of these 7 is a well known supporter and only time will tell if they mesh well with each other. As for now, they've already started playing together. You can watch their first tournament match as a team on Gosugamers.

Good luck to the newly born star studded team, hoping for some extreme action and thrilling games. :)

The team has changed name to Ben's Friendly Buddies and the pic above is their temporary logo. So... does this mean there are Ben's unfriendly buddies too? lolz.


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